One-hundred years ago, G.K. Chesterton quipped, “A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it” (Everlasting Man). There is too much floating these days. The cultural stream is running fast. In fact, it is no longer a stream. It is a raging river. How can we fight […]
“When sin grows ripe, and abounds in a land or nation, at such a time as this a man may know there is some fearful judgment approaching. But when is sin ripe?” Puritan pastor Richard Sibbes asked the question 400 years ago. Many have asked it since. Every generation has cause to do so. A […]
Man gave up. He gave up in the Garden and he has given up ever since. God was simple and straightforward with Adam. Take care of Eden. Eat of every tree. But stay away from the one called the “knowledge of good and evil” (Genesis 2:17). Call it a test. When confronted with the Creator’s […]
Decades from now, if the world becomes saner through the Kingdom of God getting larger, we will have a conversation with our grandchildren or great grandchildren. And they may ask us something like this, “Tell us about the troubling times. How did it happen? What was wrong with people? Didn’t they see it coming? Why […]
The Shadow was growing. Darkness was on the move; light seemed to be in retreat. A nervous fear gripped many. Some hid while others didn’t want to talk about it. But there were some that wanted to know what to do. But formerly trusted voices were silent. A few of those voices spoke out but […]
The 19th century Scottish minister and author, George MacDonald, wrote a parable where we are to imagine ourself as a house. When we come to saving faith, God begins the remodel. At first, we mostly understand what He is doing. You were aware there were some obvious “fixes” needed in some of the rooms. There […]
Do you know who Barronelle Stutzman is? You should, she’s playing the role of Rosa Parks in our state and warrants our prayers and deserves our applause. She’s the owner and florist of “Arlene’s Flowers” in the Tri-Cities who sells flowers to everyone and hires gays and straights as employees. But she stood up to […]
Toupees have been around for a long time. Wikipedia says we have archaeological proof man has been putting someone else’s hair on his head since 3,100 BC. They attribute it to the world’s “long-standing bias against balding.” Roman poet Ovid wrote The Art of Love about the time Jesus was born. He wrote: “Ugly are […]
Hats do more than cover up an old man’s bald spot or conceal a woman’s bad hair day. They can designate responsibility. State patrol officers wear a good-sized brimmed hat. I suspect it is this way so the rain doesn’t get in their eyes when they’re writing us a speeding ticket. What I do know […]
God warned Joshua and Joshua warned the people the morning Jericho was to fall: “Keep away from the devoted things, so that you will not bring about your own destruction by taking any of them. Otherwise you will make the camp of Israel liable to destruction and bring trouble on it” (Joshua 6:18). The command […]
He was the strongest man in the world; only if he had the spiritual wisdom and discernment to match. Samson is a favorite in Sunday school classes—especially for younger boys. The book of Judges chronicles his exploits. He tore apart a lion with his bare hands (14:6). He caught 300 foxes and tied them tail […]